Spotlight Events
You can downloads both portrait and widescreen versions here:
Best to use a computer to download using this link.
Alternatively, in the google drive folder, both versions of the film are in there now along with the pictures:
All additional footage captured during the event has been organised
into categories for downloading using this link:
1: Stage set-up/General B R oll
2: Souness, White, Butland Arriving & Signing
3: Fans Pictures & Clement Arriving
4: Fan Queuing & Armadillo Exterior B Roll
5: Fan Pictures w/ Clement
6: Dressing Room Backstage Footage
7: On-stage BRoll, Interval BTS and Second Half Stage BRoll
As you share the film created of your event, I kindly ask that you credit MediaMurray's social media profiles and my business in your posts as this would enhance visibility of the film for both parties.
Thank you, Jamie.